Artsy, Fartsy, But I Like Them Anyway...

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This is the day before the conjunction. It shows how much Venus moved in one day when compared to the other two pictures on this page.
Unfortunately, this one didn't scan as well as I'd hoped, for some reason.
Thisis a view of the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter as seen through the famousTelrad finder "bullseye".  It was taken with a Canon A-1 camera bodythrough a Tokina 70mm zoom lens on Kodak Gold Max 800 speed film atF4.0 in 1/4 of a second on February 23, 1999 at approximately 7:15 PM. It seemed like the artsy thing to do at the time....The stats are essentially the same for all three shots on this page.

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Copyright 1999, Steve Dodder
Webmaster: Steve Dodder
Revised: 3/17/99