Here's a picture of the basic setup. On the far right is the solar telescope.
Next to it on the left
is the 8" SCT, showing the "Pieramyd mount" and the solar filter. |
Here's a prime focus shot of the sun before the actual transit began. Note the large
sunspot group just above smack in the middle. There's also a group on either side
and below center. |
Shortly after first contact. |
About 5 minutes later. |
Nicely on the disk of the sun. |
Halfway...? |
Just about done... |
Third contact |
Maybe 2 minutes left.... |
This was really a cool thing to see! And what a busy week. Two days later, I stayed up all
night watching the Leonid meteor "shower". Not much this year compared to last, but last
year was amazing anyway. Anyway, I got lots of folks from work to look through the scope
and lots of "oohs" and "ahs" and "That's cools"! It was fun.