Imaging The Sky Conference 2005
Astroimaging with Dedicated CCD Cameras & Digital SLR Cameras, What's Right for You?
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Gresham, Oregon
Large aperture telescopes extend an astronomer’s ability to observe fainter objects and fainter details. And like wise, digital astroimaging provides the same benefit to the amateur astronomer. Digital astroimaging provides an excellent way to observe new objects and fainter details with smaller optics. Astroimaging extends an astronomer’s ability to enjoy observing the universe.
There are many types of cameras, lens, telescopes, mounts, filters and software programs that are used in astroimaging. This year’s conference focuses on astroimaging and image processing techniques using digital SLR cameras and cooled CCD cameras. Both of these cameras extend an astronomer’s observing capabilities. Attendees learned how to obtain the best imaging performance using these cameras and how they are similar and different. Image processing examples were shown using Photoshop, AIP4WIN V2, MaxIm DL and ImagesPlus.
Evening imaging demonstrations included Nikon D70 SDLR imaging and visual observering.
A conference CD-ROM with presentations, reference materials and software was provided to each attendee.
This conference was sponsored by
Mt. Hood Community College
Science Club and
Planetarium Sky Theater.
Door prizes were donated by
Sean's Astronomy Shop,
Pro Photo Supply, and
Suburban Photo
Saturday, July 23, 2005, 8:00 am to Midnight
Visual Arts Theater
Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC)
26000 SE Stark Street
Gresham, Oregon
Register early because seating is limited. Registration is $30.00 by June 31, 2004 and in July it is $40.00. To register send your name, address, email address and registration money (check made out to Imaging The Sky) to
- Imaging The Sky Conference
- Rick Kang
- PO Box 5795
- Eugene, OR 97405
Schedule is subject to change.
- 8:00 – 8:30 am Registration
- 8:30 – 9:35 am New Approach to Astroimaging: Timeless Way, Mel Bartels
- What do you really need?
- Cameras, optics, mounts, software & accessories
- CCD sampling resolution
- Key optics characteristics for imaging
- 9:35 – 10:40 am Digital SLR Astroimaging, David Haworth
- Typical digital SLRs used for astroimaging
- Using digital SLRs with a camera lens
- Using digital SLRs with a telescope as the lens
- Typical camera settings, focusing & remote shutter control
- Tracking the sky & multiple exposures
- Digital SLR image processing software
- Digital SLR image processing examples using ImagesPlus
- The M13 image to right is by David Haworth
- 10:40 – 10:55 Break
- 10:55 – 12:00 pm Color Image Processing,
Richard Berry
- Cooled CCD cameras color basics
- Digital SLR cameras color basics & Bayer arrays
- Step-by-step how to color process cooled CCD cameras and digital SLRs images
- Getting the most out of a color image
- Flatting an image
- Color tools
- Sharpening
- Fixing color problems
- Image processing examples using the new AIP4WIN V2
- 12:00 – 1:30 pm Lunch on your own
- 1:30 – 2:35 pm Overview of Color CCD Imaging, Dave Sandage
- Basic work flow at the telescope
- Standard data reduction
- Image enhancement techniques in Photoshop
- Processing the color channels
- Combining the L and RGB data
- Color balancing using histograms
- The Rosette Nebula image to right is by Dave Sandage
- 2:35 – 3:40 pm CCD Cameras and Digital SLRs Compared, Richard Berry
- The role of cooling for long exposures
- The Bayer array and its effect on resolution
- Noise in CCD and CMOS devices
- Filter transmission and white balance
- The bottom line: Signal-to-Noise ratio
- 3:40 – 3:55 pm Afternoon Break
- 3:55 – 5:00 pm Imaging with MaxIm DL, Doug George
- Live demonstration of various techniques, including:
- Image acquisition with CCD and DSLR cameras
- Tips for image processing in MaxIm DL
- Methods to improve efficiency in both imaging and processing
- New features for DSLR cameras
- 5:00 – 5:40 pm Short Show & Tell Presentations
- 5:40 – 6:00 pm Conference Feedback
- 6:00 – 9:00 pm Dinner on your own
- 9:00 – 12:00 am Evening Imaging Demonstrations (weather permitting)
- Digital SLR demo, David Haworth
- Imaging demo, Richard Berry
Hotels, Motels & Lodging
The Imaging The Sky Conference 2005 is organized by
Mel Bartels,
Richard Berry,
Rick Kang and
David Haworth.
See past Imaging the Sky Conference Summaries for examples of past conferences.

© 1998-2006 David Haworth