- Four 5 minutes images stacked (20 mintues total).
- First image taken at 9-23-2011 9:07 PM PDT ( 9-24-2011 4:07 UTC)
- DD-MM-YYYY 24.171-09-2011 UTC
- Last image taken at 9-23-2011 9:28 PM PDT ( 9-24-2011 4:28 UTC)
- DD-MM-YYYY 24.186-09-2011 UTC
- OBS-Location: Home on the driveway at Camas, WA USA, 16.6 miles East-North-East from the center of Portland, OR and east of Vancouver, WA.
- Telescope: Orion Argonaut 150mm Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope,
f/12 focal ratio, 1800mm focal length.
- Focal Reducer/Corrector: Orion Argonaut 1800mm to 1440mm, f/12 to f/9.6, 0.8X.
- Camera: QSI 532ws-M1 CCD camera with no filters.