Astro-Physical Calculator

Units: CGS SI

Physical Constants

Astronomical Constants

Planetary Data

The Units switch above does not change the units of your calculation! It only specifies the units of the constants buttons for future entries!

Velocity of light c 2.998 x 1010 cm s-1
Planck constant h 6.626 x 10-27 erg s
Gravitational constant G 6.67 x 10-8 cm3 g-1 s-2
Electron charge e 4.803 x 10-10 esu
Mass of electron m_e 9.1096 x 10-28 g
Mass of proton m_p 1.6724 x 10-24 g
Mass of neutron m_n 1.6747 x 10-24 g
Mass of hydrogen m_H 1.6733 x 10-24 g
Atomic mass unit amu 1.661 x 10-24 g
Avagadro's number N_A 6.0222 x 1023
Boltzmann constant k 1.38 x 10-16 erg K-1
Electron volt ev 1.602 x 10-12 erg
Rad'n density constant a 7.5646 x 10-15 erg cm-3 K-4
Stefan-Boltzmann const sigma 5.67 x 10-5 erg cm-2 K-4 s-1
Thomson cross section sigma_T 6.6524 x 10-25 cm2
Electron rest mass energy E_e 8.18710414 x 10-7 erg
Fine structure constant \alpha 7.29735308 x 10-3
Rydberg constant R 2.17992 x 10-11 erg
Year yr 3.156 x 107 s
Astronomical unit AU 1.496 x 1013 cm
Parsec pc 3.086 x 1018 cm
Light year ly 9.463 x 1017 cm
Solar mass M_sun 1.99 x 1033 g
Solar radius R_sun 6.96 x 1010 cm
Solar Luminosity L_sun 3.9 x 1033 erg s-1
Solar Temperature T_sun 5780 K

In the calculator above, the Period has been converted to seconds and the Semi-Major Axis has been changed to cm.

Name Mass (g) Radius (cm) Period (yr) Semi-Major (AU) Eccentricity
Mercury 3.303 x 1026 2.439 x 108 2.4085 x 10-1 3.87096 x 10-1 0.205622
Venus 4.87 x 1027 6.05 x 108 6.1521 x 10-1 7.23342 x 10-1 0.006783
Earth 5.976 x 1027 6.378 x 108 1.00004 x 100 9.99987 x 10-1 0.016684
Mars 6.418 x 1026 3.397 x 108 1.88089 x 100 1.523705 x 100 0.093404
Jupiter 1.899 x 1030 7.14 x 109 1.18622 x 101 5.204529 x 100 0.047826
Saturn 5.686 x 1029 6 x 109 2.94577 x 101 9.575133 x 100 0.052754
Uranus 8.66 x 1028 2.615 x 109 8.40139 x 101 1.930375 x 101 0.050363
Neptune 1.03 x 1029 2.43 x 109 1.64793 x 102 3.020652 x 101 0.004014
Pluto 1 x 1025 1.2 x 108 2.47686 x 102 3.991136 x 101 0.256695


This is basically the calculator on Chris Dolan's webpage with a couple more buttons added for high-energy astrophysicists. This particular version came (with permission) from the Dipankar Maitra web site. Most of the JavaScript code for this calculator came from the Scientific Calculator by Rolf Howarth.

Constants Page - Physical Constants and Astronomical Data, by Chris Dolan.
Conversions Page - Fundamental astronomical conversions, by Ulrich Hopp.


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This web page was last updated 09/15/17