
I am a theoretical physicist, photographer and amateur astronomer.

I am Professor at the National Central University (NCU)
Department of Physics in Taoyuan, Taiwan; and a member of its Fundamental Physics Group and Center for High Field and High Energy Physics. I am also an adjunct faculty at NCU's Graduate Institute of Astronomy.

My research interests span
theoretical aspects of gravitation; particle cosmology; the structure and dynamics of classical and quantum field theories; and Wolfram Language software development. You can find my publications here or here; or, check out my Google Scholar Profile. In my free time, which is somewhat ephemeral, I bring out my camera(s) for a shoot.

Jobs for students! I am looking for undergrad and graduate students to help me build and expand my TensoriaCalc differential geometry package. See ad here.

- Yi-Zen

Sunset over Horseshoe Bend, Page, AZ.

Contact Information

Tensoria, MHD
Post Newtonian Gravity Calculations


Free textbook project: Analytical Methods in Physics
Differential Geometry and Physics in Curved Spacetimes
General Physics A (Physics of Motion)
General Physics B (Electromagnetism)
Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Field Theory
Mathematical Methods in Physics

Amateur Astronomy

Cleveland: 2008-2010
N.W. Arizona/S. Utah: Summer 2011
Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks: Fall 2012
Tokyo, Japan: May 2018

Total Lunar Eclipse: Chiayi, Taiwan, 2022
Total Solar Eclipse: Huntington, Oregon, 2017
Total Solar Eclipse: Romania, 1999
Field Rotation Calculation