Astronomical Image Stacking Software for Windows

DeepSkyStacker is designed by Luc Coiffier and is available at DeepSkyStacker and has a Yahoo Support Group.

M22 Process with 2x Resize the Image Just Before Stacking


Photo Information

Imaging Equipment

Imaging Processing

Comparsion of Bilinear (very fast, low quality) and Adaptive Homogeneity-Directed (AHD)

This is a stack of five Nikon D70 images. AHD has slightly brighter stars and more noise or details.

NGC7000 North American Nebula


Using DeepSkyStacker guide (PDF 4,395 KB) for simple Nikon D70 image stacking. The following images used simple Nikon D70 image stacking.

Below are RAW FIT images from the Orion StarShoot camera and they were generated by the StarShoot camera control software MaxIm Essentials Edition V1.01.