Astronomical Spectra L200 Spectrograph
Bench Testing

Astronomical Spectrograph Spectra L200

The astronomical Spectra L200 spectrograph is a kit designed and sold by Ken Harrison. A Littrow spectroscope kit, the Spectra-L200 is for amateurs moving from the basic Star Analyser/ Rainbow Optic grating to their first slit spectroscope. It is only available to members of the astronomical spectroscopy Y! group.

Ken Harrison is the owner of the Yahoo! astronomical_spectroscopy Astronomical Spectroscopy for Amateurs group.

This web page shows work-in-progress of building and testing the Spectra L200. Below are photos of the unpainted Spectra L200 that was put together to check mechanical fit and optical alignment.

Astronomical Spectrograph Spectra L200

Major Components Mounted on the Spectra L200 Spectrograph

Going from the left side to the right side:

Spectra L200 image of rain clouds

The above test spectrum is dark rain clouds taken from inside the house with the Spectra L200 pointing out an open door.

Spectra L200 Spectrograph