Spring 2025
Welcome to PH4035! This is a course on
relativity, our fundamental understanding of space and
- Yi-Zen
and Grading Scheme
The course material
will include:
Because I wish to reward
hard work during the semester, I will give most
weight -- 75% of your total grade -- to the
homework you turn in. The rest of the 25%
will be for the midterm and final presentations.
Homework (50%): I recommend starting your homework as soon as possible -- do not wait until the day before it is due to do it! Note: I will not accept late homework -- just turn in whatever you have done at the time/day it is due.
Presentations (25%):
Present the solutions to the following problems in
(Mostly links to amazon.com -- out of
convenience; not an endorsement of their business
practices.) Relativity Lecture Notes
While developing this course, I have
taken inspiration from several of the textbooks
& video lectures listed above.Disclaimer
The views and opinions expressed in this page are
strictly those of mine (Yi-Zen Chu). The contents of
this page have not been reviewed or approved by the
National Central University. |