Free program to draw sky
For use with Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP
News :
October 3 2009 |
New UCAC3 star catalog is available
With 100 million stars this catalog set a new standard for quality star chart.
You can now download this catalog for use with Skychart V2.76 or V3.0.
Read more at the Skychart V3 page.
May 19 2007 |
Fix incorrect field alignment with the ASTORB file and a problem when you start the program on Windows Vista .
Get the 2.76c update from the download page.
May 25 2006 |
Comets and asteroids elements download failed because of a url change at CfA web site.
Get the update from the download page.
For the new version 3.0 the code is updated to support url redirection.
21 2004 |
Update for two catalogues, SKY2000 and WDS with more
recent version.
Give much improved position of the double star system.
This catalog are part of the testing
version 3.0 but are compatible with the version 2.
23 2004 |
New version 2.76 !
This is mainly a bug fix version. The program must now run without
problem with old ATI OpenGL drivers.
One new function: access to USNO-B1.0 catalog online from Vizier.
A small patch
(1.4MB) is available to upgrade from the version 2.75.
August 25
2004 |
Prepare your observation of
asteroid Toutatis in September.
Philipp Salzgeber write a very interesting tutorial about how to make
an asteroid chart using Toutatis as an example: http://salzgeber.at/articles/CdC_Toutatis_HowTo.pdf
January 4
2004 |
New version of TLE-downloader
by Christopher Welfare give you more power to update the artificial
satellites elements.
18 2003 |
New Czech web page |
13 2003 |
Update of the Czech
New translation in Japanese. |
21 2003 |
Two correction related to the
artificial satellites and the use of certain catalog are now available
to the Download page. |
June 1st
2003 |
Two contribution by Jim
Cornmell are available from the Source
CDCcmd let you script Cartes du Ciel from a simple .bat file!
The source code is an example how to use the DDE interface from C++
There is also header file to use catalog.dll from C++ |
19 2002 |
A preview of the future version 3 is available!
Many feature of the version 2 are still not implemented so it is
principally interesting for Linux users: http://skychart.sourceforge.net
12 2002 |
New Hipparcos catalog containing much data for
each star.
New catalog are also available on Jeff Burton web page.
10 2002 |
documentation update kindly provide by Dick Steiner.
Please install this file that provide a much better spelling.
November 9
2002 |
The program popularity increase rapidly, this is a
good thing but one of the consequence is I receive more and more
message. This is also a good thing but we arrive now to a point I can
no more find enough free time to reply to all. So I ask you to use the mail list as the prefered contact
A new web page let you informed
about the advance of the future version 3.0.
27 2002 |
Version 2.75, new options for
the labels and printing.
Help file for Catgen.
New double stars catalog WDS with a working search index. |
June 15
2002 |
Version 2.74, draw the nebulae
outlines with the new Catgen, quick search box, ability to translate
the constellation names, search by object common name, interface to the
Moon Atlas.
to help to update the TLE files. |
May 7 2002
Version 2.73, this is a bug
fix version, see readme.txt for more details. |
April 13
2002 |
Version 2.72, show images of
the planets.
Updated telescope plugin. |
24 2002 |
New Chinese translation and help translation in
Telescope plugin Meade 1.1 et Ascom plugin to use with any telescope
supported by the Ascom
January 20
2002 |
New Norwegian translation. |
21 2001 |
Version 2.71
Minor bug fix, see readme.txt for details. |
26 2001 |
Version 2.7
The new version is available after one year of development ! |
history |
This program enables you to draw sky charts, making use
of the data
in 16 catalogs of stars and nebulae.
In addition the position of planets, asteroids and comets are shown.
purpose of this program is to prepare
different sky maps for a particular observation.
A large number of parameters help you to choose specifically or
which catalogs to use, the colour and the dimension of stars and
the representation of planets, the display of labels and coordinate
the superposition of pictures, the condition of visibility and more.
All these features make this celestial atlas more complete than a

M31 FITS image by IRAS with
corresponding chart
Instead of a long description I rather invite you to go
through the
the handbook
and the catalog
descriptions so that you can get a better idea of the
features of Sky
Chart .
This program has been developed to satisfy my own
requirements. Feel
free to mail your ideas if you find that a useful functionality is
I will try to include it in the next version if it is
It is possible to choose the program language. Actually
more than 20 languages
are available.
Please look at the catalog descriptions and download
pages for explanation about the catatog used and how to obtain the
extra catalog for use with the program, and the RealSky® support pages
for using this CD's.
For most of them you must use a binary version available from the
download page.
Subscribe to this mail list to be able to send
message to discuss with other users about the utilization of the
This mail list is the prefered way to get support
in case of problem.
Always consult the
program documentation and the message
archive before to ask your question, you probably find
quickly a response.
to this mail list to be informed on new program version. There are two
ways to subscribe to skychart: via e-mail or via the web.
Your e-mail address
is treated confidentially. It will not be use for any other purpose and
not send to other people. |
freeware ?
I originally developed this program for my personal use,
because I like
to adapt my tools to my needs. In my opinion the functionality of Sky
might be of interest to amateur astronomers or students. Therefore I
to distribute it as freeware. I feel that you should rather invest your
money in buying a good eyepiece than to waste it on software!
and conditions
"Sky charts" is a freeware. You can freely
install and use an
unlimited number of copies for your personal usage or redistribute it
any support under the restriction that you must not modify it and that
you have to include all the documentation files.
Any commercial use is however prohibited.
For the conditions and citations of the single catalogs,
please refer
to the original descriptions in the files ".TXT" in the
I would like to thank the Centre
de Données Astronomiques de Strasbourg as well as
the Astronomical
Data Center who make accessible valuable astronomical
catalogs to any
amateur astronomer.
Sky Charts uses catalog extracts provided by these two
5/50 |
Bright Star Catalogue 5th
Revised Ed. |
Hoffleit+ 1991 |
5/102 |
SKY2000 - Master Star Catalog Version 2 |
Sande+ 1998 |
1/197A |
Tycho Input Catalogue Revised version |
Egret+ 1992 |
1/239 |
The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues |
ESA 1997 |
1/259 |
The Tycho-2 Catalogue |
Hog+ 2000 |
1/220 |
The HST Guide Star Catalog |
Lasker+1992 |
1/237 |
The Washington Visual Double Star Catalog |
USNO 2000 |
2/214 |
General Catalog of Variable Stars |
Kholopov+ 1998 |
2/219 |
New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars
Supplement |
Kazarovets+ 1998 |
7/118 |
NGC 2000.0 |
Dreyer 1888, Sky Publishing ed. Sinnott1988 |
7/155 |
Third Reference Cat. of Bright Galaxies |
de Vaucouleurs+1991 |
7/119 |
Catalogue of Principal Galaxies |
Paturel+ 1999 |
5/84 |
Strasbourg-ESO Cat. of Galactic Planetary Nebulae |
Acker+1992 |
7/9 |
Lynds' Catalogue of Bright Nebulae |
Lynds 1965 |
7/202 |
Globular Clusters in the Milky Way |
Harris 1997 |
7/92A |
Open Cluster Data 5th Edition |
Lynga 1987 |
6/79 |
Lunar Solution ELP 2000-82B |
Chapront-Touze+ 1988 |
6/87 |
Planetary Ephemerides |
Chapront+ 1996 |
6/49 |
Constellation Boundary Data |
Davenhall+ 1989 |
I also would like to mention the US
Naval Observatory who kindly supplies the USNO-SA1.0
the Central
Bureau for
Astronomical Telegrams for the elements of comets and
asteroids and
their permission to distribute these files, and
Observatory for the asteroids elements.
The Saguaro Astronomy Club distribute is Database
Version 7.2
Michael. G. Christensen produce the FITS table with
Uranometria 2000 charts boundaries.
Jim Cornmell produce the object common name list and give the idea for
the nebulae outlines.
Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC
Satellites calculation use QuickSat by Mike McCants,
Iridium flare prediction use Iridflar by Robert Matson
Thank's to them for their permission to include their software and data
with this package.
This program is entirely written in DELPHI 6.
Calculations of the ephemerides of planets between 1900
and 2100 are
based on " Ephemerides of planets between 1900 and 2100
des Longitudes 1996 ". The program serie96.f was rewritten
in Pascal
and include in a DLL.
Planets calculation between -3000 and +3000 are based on
plan404 by Steve
Moshier, a DLL interface this C program.
Calculations of the ephemerides of the Moon are based on
" Lunar Solution
ELP 2000-82B Chapront-Touze, Bureau
des Longitudes
The program elp82b.f was rewritten in Pascal and include in a DLL.
Planetary satellites calculation between 1997 and 2020
by J.-E. Arlot, Ch. Ruatti, D.T. Vu et W.Thuillot, Bureau des
The program diffpos.f was rewritten in Pascal and include in a DLL.
Many calculations are based on the essential "Astronomical
Algorithms by Jean Meeus".
RealSky® CD support use a library developed
by Bill Gray of Project
Some graphic files format use the library " NviewLib.dll
" by K.
Some graphic components use the Delphi library RXLIB.
Support for GZIP compression format use ZLIB by
Jean-Loup Gailly and
Mark Adler.
Installation files have been produced using the freeware
version of GInstall
I will to thank specially all the people who translate
the program in different language.
Many thanks to Luca Crivelli and Greg Roberts for their
help with the development of the program.