Coathanger (Brocchi's Cluster)
Photo Information
- Coathanger (Brocchi's Cluster) in center, six stars in line and a hook of four stars
- NGC 6802 Open cluster, Magnitude: 8.8
- Constellation: Vul
- IC 1299 Small cluster of very faint stars
- Approximate image scale: 3° 18' x 2° 15', North is at bottom, West is left
- Image size: one fourth D70 resolution
- Faintest stars: about 12 to 13 magnitude
- Seeing: Antoniadi scale 3, moderate seeing, with larger air termors
- DSC_1308.JPG image information
- Nikon D70
- 2004/07/03 23:30:07.9
- RAW (12-bit) Lossless
- Image Size: Large (3008 x 2000)
- Lens: Orion 80mm refractor
- Focal Length: 400mm
- Exposure Mode: Manual
- Metering Mode: Center-Weighted
- 30 sec - F/5
- Exposure Comp.: 0 EV
- Sensitivity: ISO 1600
- Optimize Image: Normal
- White Balance: Auto
- AF Mode: Manual
- Flash Sync Mode: Not Attached
- Color Mode: Mode Ia (sRGB)
- Tone Comp: Auto
- Hue Adjustment: 0°
- Saturation: Normal
- Sharpening: Auto
- Image Comment:
- Noise Reduction: Fixed Pattern
Imaging Equipment
- Camera: Nikon D70
- Orion Telescopes & Binoculars ShortTube achromatic 80mm aperture refractor
- Telescope Mount: Orion Telescopes & Binoculars SkyView Deluxe EQ equatorial mount
- No guiding
Imaging Processing
- Nikon Capture 4.1 NEF to TIF conversion
- JASC Inc. Paint Shop Pro Version 8.1, resize, unsharp mask and convert to JPG

© 1998-2004 David Haworth