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To find at your observing location the times for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, and twilight use the U.S. Naval Observatory Data Services, Natonal Weather Service - Portland Office Local Solar and Lunar Data, or if you observer in the Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. use the below dark sky tables. The below dark sky tables determine the the total Moon-free, twilight-free viewing time for each night of the year. Moon-free, twilight-free viewing time is the best time to observer deep sky objects because the moon light and twilight will not interfere with observing these faint objects.
The dark sky table shows the times for sunset, astronomical twilight ends, astronomical twilight starts, sunrise, moonrise, moonset and total moon-free, twilight-free viewing time for Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. (Longitude: West 122.68 degrees & Latitude: North 45.52 degrees).
These Dark Sky tables may print better in landscape orientation. Also, when printing using Netscape check the Black Text option in the File menu, Page Setup... menu in order to print the white text. These Dark Sky tables were created by Dave Heider's Dark Sky DOS program. Download the Dark Sky DOS program to create your own unique Dark Sky tables for your observing location and time.
Welcome to Sunrise Sunset Free Printable Calendars