The dark sky table shows the Pacific Daylight Saving Time (PDT) times and Pacific Standard Time (PST) times for sunset, astronomical twilight ends, astronomical twilight starts, sunrise, moonrise, moonset and total moon-free, twilight-free viewing time for Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. (Longitude: West 122.68 degrees & Latitude: North 45.52 degrees). Moon-free, twilight-free viewing time is the best time to observer deep sky objects because the moon light and twilight will not interfere with observing these faint objects.
Format: ##:##SS = Sunset ##:##TE = Twilight Ends ##:##MR = Moonrise ##:##SR = Sun Rise ##:##TS = Twilight Starts ##:##MS = Moonset ##:##VT = Moon-free, Twilight-free Viewing Time Date Sunset Twilight Ends Twilight Starts Sun Rise Viewing Time 10- 1 16:25MR 18:49SS 20:31TE 1: 4MS 5:28TS 7:10SR 4:24VT 10- 2 16:55MR 18:47SS 20:28TE 2:27MS 5:30TS 7:10SR 3: 2VT 10- 3 17:23MR 18:46SS 20:27TE 3:50MS 5:31TS 7:11SR 1:40VT 10- 4 17:46MR 18:45SS 20:25TE 5:15MS 5:33TS 7:13SR 0:18VT 10- 5 18: 7MR 18:43SS 20:22TE 5:34TS 6:37MS 7:15SR 0: 0VT 10- 6 18:27MR 18:40SS 20:21TE 5:35TS 7:16SR 8: 3MS 0: 0VT 10- 7 18:38SS 18:49MR 20:19TE 5:37TS 7:16SR 9:29MS 0: 0VT 10- 8 18:37SS 19:15MR 20:16TE 5:37TS 7:19SR 10:53MS 0: 0VT 10- 9 18:34SS 19:46MR 20:15TE 5:40TS 7:19SR 0: 0VT 10-10 12:15MS 18:34SS 20:13TE 20:27MR 5:40TS 7:20SR 0:13VT 10-11 13:26MS 18:31SS 20:12TE 21:19MR 5:41TS 7:22SR 1: 7VT 10-12 14:25MS 18:30SS 20:10TE 22:19MR 5:43TS 7:24SR 2: 9VT 10-13 15:10MS 18:28SS 20: 7TE 23:28MR 5:45TS 7:25SR 3:20VT 10-14 15:45MS 18:25SS 20: 6TE 0:38MR 5:46TS 7:26SR 4:31VT 10-15 16:10MS 18:25SS 20: 4TE 1:46MR 5:48TS 7:28SR 5:41VT 10-16 16:29MS 18:22SS 20: 2TE 2:52MR 5:49TS 7:28SR 6:50VT 10-17 16:46MS 18:21SS 20: 1TE 3:57MR 5:49TS 7:31SR 7:55VT 10-18 17: 2MS 18:19SS 20: 0TE 5: 1MR 5:50TS 7:31SR 9: 0VT 10-19 17:17MS 18:17SS 19:58TE 5:52TS 6: 4MR 7:33SR 9:54VT 10-20 17:32MS 18:16SS 19:55TE 5:54TS 7: 9MR 7:34SR 9:58VT 10-21 17:49MS 18:13SS 19:55TE 5:55TS 7:35SR 8:15MR 9:59VT 10-22 18: 8MS 18:13SS 19:52TE 5:56TS 7:37SR 9:25MR 10: 4VT 10-23 18:10SS 18:31MS 19:52TE 5:58TS 7:39SR 10:34MR 10: 5VT 10-24 18: 8SS 19: 1MS 19:49TE 5:58TS 7:40SR 11:43MR 10: 9VT 10-25 18: 7SS 19:42MS 19:49TE 6: 0TS 7:41SR 10:10VT 10-26 12:46MR 18: 6SS 19:46TE 20:32MS 6: 1TS 7:43SR 9:29VT 10-27 13:40MR 18: 4SS 19:46TE 21:36MS 6: 3TS 7:43SR 8:26VT 10-28 14:23MR 18: 2SS 19:43TE 22:49MS 6: 4TS 7:46SR 7:14VT Daylight Saving Time ends October 29, 2:00 am. The below times are PST 10-29 13:58MR 17: 1SS 18:43TE 23: 7MS 5: 5TS 6:46SR 5:58VT 10-30 14:25MR 17: 0SS 18:40TE 0:28MS 5: 7TS 6:49SR 4:39VT 10-31 14:48MR 16:58SS 18:40TE 1:47MS 5: 7TS 6:49SR 3:19VT
This Dark Sky table may print better in landscape orientation. Also, when printing using Netscape check the Black Text option in the File menu, Page Setup... menu in order to print the white text. This Dark Sky table was created by Dave Heider's Dark Sky DOS program. Download the Dark Sky DOS program to create your own unique Dark Sky tables for your location and time of observing.