Portland & Northwest Astronomy Resources
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A
has many clubs and organizations that host astronomy activities from conferences, planetarium shows, star parties, etc..
Various Portland area stores offer astronomy books, magazines, telescopes and accessories.
Also, selected astronomy resoruces are listed for other parts of Oregon and Washington.
Weather for Astronomical Observing 
Astronomy Conferences 
- OMSI Astronomy Conferences and Workshops
Astronomy Day

- Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI)
- OMSI hosts Astronomy Day held usually a weekend in April-May.
Clubs & Organizations 
Rose City Astronomers
is the largest astronomy club in Oregon and has many benefits.
- Club meetings: third Monday of every month 7:30 PM at
OMSI, (503) 255-2016
- Astronomy book and video library
- Telescope library
- Star parties
- Observing forms library
- Excellent speaker program
- Telescope Making Workshops
- Newsletter called The Rosette Gazette
- Email list server
- Club Web site that also has members pages for members without Web site capability.
- Sells books, observer guides and calendars at their monthly club meetings.
- Club members can buy astronomy books and magazines subscriptions through the RCA club at a discount.
- RCA members are also Astronomical League members.
- Astronomical League observing programs and certificates
- Southwest Washington Stargazers
- Northwest Astronomy Clubs
Northwest Observatories 
- Haggart Observatory
- Oregon City, OR 97045
- Pine Mountain Observatory
- Another Pine Mountain Observatory web site
- Pine Mountain Obervatory is located 26 miles SE of Bend OR
- P.M.O. Bend-Burns Star Rte., Bend, OR 97701
- Goldendale Observatory State Park
- Another Goldendale Observatory State Park web site
- 1602 Observatory Dr., Goldendale, WA 98620
- Sunriver Nature Center Observatory
- Sunriver, OR
- Manastash Ridge Observatory
- Located approximately 9 miles West-Southwest of Ellensburg, WA
- Rattlesnake Mountain Observatory
- Located at summit of Rattlesnake Mountain in southeastern Washington State
- OMSI Harry C. Kendall Planetarium, Portland, OR
- Lane ESD Planetarium, Eugene OR
- Mount Hood Community College Planetarium Sky Theater
- Telephone 503-667-7297, 26000 SE Stark St., Gresham, OR 97030
Star Parties 
- Rose City Astronomers star parties
- OMSI star parties held from Spring through Fall
- Oregon Star Party (OSP) held in late Summer
- Table Mountain Star Party (TMSP) held in mid-late Summer
Observing Areas 
- Juniper Sky
Telescope Equipment in Portland Area 
- Nurnberg Scientific
- Stan Seeberg, 6310 SW Virginia, Portland, OR (503) 246-8297, Toll-free outside Oregon (800) 826-3470, Toll-free inside Oregon (800) 527-8594
- Oregon Museum of Science and Industry OMSI Science Store
- 1945 SE Water Av., Portland OR (503) 797-4626 or (503) 797-4000
- OMSI Washington Square Store (503) 684-5202
- Swayze Optical
- Telescopes & More
- Chuck Dethloff, 21025 NW Timber Rd, Forest Grove, OR (503) 359-3920
- 8 to 30 inch hand crafted Dobsonians, Tele Vue, JMI, Lumicon, Astrosystems, Parks Optical & Pegasus Optics
Schools and Community Education Classes

- Lewis & Clark College
- Summer course taught every year between july and august
- James Karle Observatory
- Astronomy Basic Stargazing class
- Camas, WA Community Education (360) 817-4468, Instructor Gene Dietzen
- Astronomy class and lab
- Clark College in Vancouver, WA (360) 992-2737
Books, Magazines & Videos 
- Visit your local library for astronomy books, magazines & videos
Rose City Astronomer Club (RCA)
- RCA book and video library
- RCA members can buy astronomy books and magazines subscriptions through the RCA club at a discount.
- RCA sells books, observer guides and calendars at their monthly club meetings.
- Powell's Books
- Largest Portland book store with a very large selection of new books & used astronomy books.
Powells a local Portland book store online search
- Borders Books
- Magazines and 10% off most new hardcover astronomy books
- 2605 SW Cedar Hills Blvd., Beaverton, OR, (503) 644-6164
- Barnes & Noble
- The Vancouver store has the best selection of astronomy magazines:
Astronomy, Astronomy Now, Sky & Telescope, StarDate, Sky & Space and SkyNews.
- Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) Science Store
© 1998-2010 David Haworth