- Camera: QSI 532ws-M1 CCD camera.
- Diffraction Limited MaxIm DL camera control software
- Edmund Optics T-Mount Extension Tube 20mm (NT53-231).
- Celestron EdgeHD T-Adapter 93646.
- Telescope: Celestron C9.25 aplanatic Schmidt telescope 235 mm aperture, f/10 focal ratio, 2350 mm focal length.
- Finder: Celestron 9 X 50mm Finder Scope.
- Orion dew shield.
- Mount: Astro-Physics 1200GTO German Equatorial Mount (1200GTO) with GTOCP3 Control Box.

- Set up equipment
- Finalize team members
- Train team on running the equipment
- Camera control
- Mount control
19:00 Evening Presentations
- Stars, Rick Walkins
- CCD cameras, Rick Walkins
- Astrometry, Sean Curry
- Cloudy
- Trained team to operate CCD camera and mount. Training done by before midnight. Everyone went to bed
Early dawn it was clear
- Polar alignment
- Focus on Vega with V filter
- Take image of M57
- Park telescope mount
- Take darks, flats, flat darks
- Put away things and cover them