M42 Orion Nebula
Objects Information
Objects in image from top to bottom
- Constellation: Orion
- Running Man Nebula NGC 1973, NGC 1975 and NGC 1977
- Messier 43 De Mairan's Nebula or NGC 1982
- Messier 42 Orion Nebula or NGC 1976
Image Information
- Field of view: 115.7 arcminutes wide x 86.8 arcminutes high at 4.34 arcsec/pix
- Image reduced from 1600x1200 to 1200x900 for website
- North is top and west is left
- Exposure: 71 images x 60 seconds per image (71 minutes total)
- CCD-TEMP: -28°C
- Astronomik Type IIc Luminance filter
- Guided
Observing Information
- OBS-Location: norteast of Moro, OR USA
- DATE-Local = September 26, 2008
- TIME-Local of first image = 4:31 PM
- TIME-Local of last image = 5:06 PM
Imaging Equipment
Imaging Processing

The following test pattern is to help you adjust your monitor to best view the CCD astro images.
The test pattern is used for adjusting monitor brightness, and contrast.
Adjust monitor brightness and contrast to see all 16 gray scale levels.
The most important adjustment when viewing astro images is to see the differences in all of the black bands.

© 1998-2008 David Haworth