Messier M33 Triangulum Galaxy
Object Information
- M33 in NASA/IPAC Extragalactic database
- M33 in
SEDS Messier database
Photo Information
- Field of view: 101.5 arcminutes wide x 68.4 arcminutes high
- North is left and west is top
- Exposure: 68 images x 120 seconds per image
- CCD-TEMP: -34°C
- No filter
- Guided
Observing Information
- OBS-Location: Camas, WA USA, 16.6 miles East-North-East from the center of Portland, OR
- Very windy and poor seeing
- Clouds stopped the imaging session
- DATE-Local = December 10, 2007
- TIME-Local = 6:55 PM to 9:27 PM
QSI Imaging Equipment
- QSI 532ws-M1 CCD camera
- Pentax 75mm SDHF APO 3-element design refractor (f/6.7 focal ratio, 500mm focal length) telescope
- The telescope mount is the Orion Telescopes and Binoculars Sirius EQ-G with GoTo Controller
Imaging Processing
- Diffraction Limited MaxIm DL V4.60
- Calibrated with 131 bias frames, 57 dark frames and 128 2 second flat frames
- DDP, unsharp mask, half size, screen stretch and convert to JPG

© 1998-2007 David Haworth