M51 Whirlpool Galaxy
Object Information
- Messier object: M51
- Common name for Messier object: Whirlpool galaxy
- NGC (New General Catalog) number: NGC 5194
- Discription: Spiral Galaxy
- Located in constellation:
Canes Venatici
- Right ascension in hours minutes: 13:29.9
- Declination in degrees minutes: 47:12
- Visual magnitude: 8.4
- Image orientation: North is top, East is left
- Detailed discription of
M51 in
SEDS Messier database
Photo Information
- North is top edge and west is right edge
- Exposure: 42 images x 360 seconds per image (4 hours and 12 minutes)
- CCD-TEMP: -21°C
- No filter
- Guided
- First quarter Moon
- 46 360 seconds darks
- 64 2 sec. flats using a computer LCD monitor
- 64 2 sec. flat darks
Observing Information
- OBS-Location: Camas, WA USA, 16.6 miles East-North-East from the center of Portland, OR
- DATE-Local = April 12, 2008 at 10:48 pm to April 13, 2008 at 3:05 am PDT
QSI Imaging Equipment
Imaging Processing

© 1998-2008 David Haworth