QSI 583ws CCD Camera on Tele Vue NP127is APO
The QSI 583ws CCD camera is a cooled camera used for astrophotography.
The photo shows the QSI 583ws camera mounted on a Tele Vue NP127is APO Refractor at the Oregon Star Party 2010
The Field of view is 70.3 x 93.4 arcmin at 1.68 arcsec/pix.

QSI 583ws CCD Camera Imaging Components
- Camera: QSI 583ws CCD camera
- Tele Vue TRG-1072 Standard T-Ring adapter.
- Tele Vue Three TLD-1000 1.000" long threaded extension tubes.
- Telescope: Tele Vue NP127is, 127mm aperture, 660mm focal length, f/5.2 focal ratio, APO Refractor.
- Guide camera: Meade Deep Sky Imager PRO.
- Baader Planetarium Complete T-2 Changer System
- Two Baader Planetarium 40mm T-2 Extension Tubes.
- Baader Planetarium BTA T-Adapter for all SC and MAK telescopes.
- Guide telescope: Baader Planetarium Scopos Target ED66 APO Refractor (3066400 Bronze)
- Mount: Astro-Physics 1200GTO German Equatorial Mount with GTOCP3 Control Box.
- Computer: ASUS Netbook running Window XP with three USB ports (QSI 583ws, Deep Sky Imager PRO and GPUSB)

QSI 583ws CCD Camera Specifications
The QSI 583ws CCD Camera uses a Kodak KAF-8300 CCD sensor.
The QSI camera electronics has with very low noise and very good temperature regulation. Its small size makes it a good match for short focal length refractors.
- Kodak KAF-8300 (PDF data sheet) Full Frame CCD sensor
- CCD sensor size 17.96mm x 13.52mm
- 5.4µm × 5.4µm pixel size
- 3326 x 2504 active pixel array
- 16-bit A/D conversion
- Thermoelectric cooling
- USB 2 interface to computer
- QSI Manual and documentation web page

David Haworth QSI 583ws Images
- Messier M33 Triangulum Galaxy image

David Haworth Camera Performance


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