Comet 17P/Holmes

- Comet 17P/Holmes
- Faintest stars in above image: 15 magnitude
- North is at top, west is at right
Photo Information
- 16 x 60 seconds
- Monochrome binned 2x2 pixels
- Guided
- Meade DSI Pro camera
- Stark Labs PHD Guiding
- Edmund Optics T-Mount 40mm dia. 160mm focal length guide scope
- Date of observation: November 3, 2007
- Time at end of first CCD image 22:17 pm PDT
- Time at end of last CCD image 22:32 pm PDT
Imaging Equipment
- Telescope: Pentax 75mm SDHF f/6.7 APO Refractor, 500mm focal length
- Vixen 2680 flip mirror
- Edmund Optics T-Mount 10mm extension tube (48mm barrel)
- Baader Planetarium T-2 Quick Changer System (T2-06 and T2-07)
- Camera: Orion Telescopes and Binoculars
StarShoot Deep-Space CCD Color Imaging Camera
- Telescope Mount: Orion Telescopes and Binoculars Sirius EQ-G with GoTo Controller
Imaging Processing

© 1998-2007 David Haworth