Celestron CG-11 Setup at ARGO

ARGO is a custom built observing spot in central Oregon, U.S.A. which is about a five hour drive from my home in Camas, Washington, U.S.A. More ARGO pictures at Dennis Luse Web site, Jim Girard Web site and William McLaughlin Web site.

A Cookbook CB245 CCD camera mounted on the Celestron CG-11 telescope. Mounted on top of a Celestron CG-11 is a Orion 80 mm refractor which is used as a finder. The Orion ShortTube™ 80 mm aperture rich-field refractor (f/5 focal ratio, 400 mm focal length) is mounted on top of a Celestron CG-11 using Losmandy dovetail plate and rings.

Star Field