Messier M106
Object Information
- Messier object: M106
- NGC (New General Catalog) number:
NGC 4258
- Discription: Spiral Galaxy
- Located in constellation:
Canes Venaciti
- Right ascension in hours:minutes: 12:19.0
- Declination in degrees:minutes: 47:18
- Visual magnitude: 8.4
- Size: 19 x 8 arc minutes
- Image orientation: North is top, East is left
- Image size: 28 arc minutes wide by 21.6 arc minutes high
- Detailed discription of
M106 in
SEDS Messier database
- Spiral Galaxy NGC4248, magnitude 12.60 is to the top right of M106.
Photo Information
- 4 x 60 seconds
- Monochrome binned 2x2 pixels
- Tracking, not guided
- Date of observation: August 25, 2006
- Time at end of first CCD image 10:58 pm PDT
- Time at end of last CCD image 11:01 pm PDT
- Observing Location: Oregon Star Party
Imaging Equipment
- Telescope: Orion Telescopes and Binoculars 80mm ED Apochromatic Refractor, 600mm focal length, f/7.5 focal ratio
- Vixen 2680 flip mirror
- Edmund Optics T-Mount 25mm extension tube (48mm barrel)
- Baader Planetarium T-2 Quick Changer System (T2-06 and T2-07)
- Camera: Orion Telescopes and Binoculars
StarShoot Deep-Space CCD Color Imaging Camera
- TeleVue 32mm Plossl was used on the top port of the Vixen flip mirror
- Telescope Mount: Orion Telescopes and Binoculars Sirius EQ-G with GoTo Controller
Imaging Processing

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© 1998-2006 David Haworth