6 Days 16 Hours 56 Minutes Old Moon
Lunar image with labels.
Compare this Philips PCVC740K ToUcam PRO web camera 640x480 stacked image with a similar Nikon Coolpix 990 Digital Camera
2048x1536 single image.
Moon Information
Age of Moon: 6 days, 16 hours, 56 minutes
Moon phase: 42% (0% = New, 100% = Full)
Imaging Equipment
- Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam PRO web camera
- 1/250 sec exposure, 10 fps, 30 sec, 28 images stacked out of 300 images taken
- Image taken on June 6, 2003 at 9:45 PM PDT
- Telesope: This was my 5th night imaging with the ToUcam and my poor notes at the time do not include if it was the CG-11 telescope or the
Orion Argonaut 150mm Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope (f/12 focal ratio, 1800mm focal length)
Imaging Processing
- The above image has been converted to grayscale because the color balance was way off into the green.
- Cor Berrevoets Registax Version beta, align, select, stack and process multiple images
- Adobe Potoshop Version CS, unsharp mask
- JASC Inc. Paint Shop Pro Version 8.10, add text, convert to JPG

Use Test patterns to calibrate monitor brightness, contrast, height and width

© 1998-2003 David Haworth