Full Moon Setting Over Portland, OR
The above Moon setting over the Portland, OR was taken on Thursday morning 4:36 am on May 31, 2007 north of Camas, WA. This was the second full Moon for May 2007.
The reddish orange settng full Moon has the similar colorcast that occurs with the rising or setting Sun. This colorcast is caused by the atmosphere scattering of the blue spectrum of Moon light.
Imaging Equipment Configuration
- Nikon D70 with 180mmED lens
- Manfrotto Tripod and Manfrotto geared 3-D head
- DSC_2169.NEF image information
- 2007/05/31 04:36:15.9
- RAW (12-bit) Lossless
- Image Size: Large (3008 x 2000)
- Lens: 180mm F/2.8 D
- Focal Length: 180mm
- Exposure Mode: Manual
- Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern
- 1/1.6 sec - F/4
- Exposure Comp.: 0 EV
- Sensitivity: ISO 400
- Optimize Image: Custom
- White Balance: Direct sunlight
- AF Mode: Manual
- Flash Sync Mode: Not Attached
- Color Mode: Mode Ia (sRGB)
- Tone Comp: Normal
- Hue Adjustment: 0°
- Saturation: Normal
- Sharpening: Low
- Image Comment:
- Noise Reduction: OFF
Imaging Processing

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© 1998-2007 David Haworth