Saturn, M44 and M67
Image Information
- Saturn is bright in the center
- M44 is close to the left of Saturn
- M67 is at far right edge of image
- North is close to the left edge of the image and west is close to top
- Faintest stars in image: about 12 magnitude
- Image taken from driveway
Nikon D70 Photo Information
- DSC_5268.NEF image information
- Nikon D70
- 2006/01/24 23:52:50.8
- RAW (12-bit) Lossless
- Image Size: Large (3008 x 2000)
- Lens: 85mm F/1.8 AI
- Focal Length: 85mm
- Exposure Mode: Manual
- Metering Mode: Center-Weighted
- 183.20 sec - F/2.8
- Exposure Comp.: 0 EV
- Sensitivity: ISO 200
- Optimize Image: Normal
- White Balance: Direct sunlight
- AF Mode: Manual
- Flash Sync Mode: Not Attached
- Color Mode: Mode Ia (sRGB)
- Tone Comp: Auto
- Hue Adjustment: 0°
- Saturation: Normal
- Sharpening: Auto
- Image Comment:
- Noise Reduction: Fixed Pattern
- Nikon D70 DSLR on a star tracker
- Star tracker is also called a Scotch mount, Haig mount, or barn-door mount. It is a door hinge with a bolt that is turned by hand to track the sky. In this case the bolt was hand turned for 183.2 seconds.
- My star tracker was made out of a Stanley 10 inch metal hinge and a 1/4-28 bolt. The Star tracker was mounted on a old tripod.
- For more information see the out of print book "Handbook for Star Trackers" by Jim Ballard.
Imaging Processing

© 1998-2006 David Haworth