Sunspot 488 and Airplane
October 31, 2003
The above Sunspot 488 movie is 19 images taken by a
Philips PCVC740K ToUcam PRO web camera.
The image is a 240 x 180 animated GIF 655 KB.
The ToUcam took images at 1/2500 sec at 10 fps of the airplane flying throught Sunspot 488.
Sunspot 488 Image Information
- Images taken at 1/2500 second, 10fps
- Poor seeing
- 2003/10/31 1:08 PM PDT
- Images taken from driveway
Imaging Equipment
- Camera: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam PRO web camera
- Telescope: Orion Atlas 10 reflector (254 mm aperture,
f/4.7 focal ratio, 1200 mm focal length)
- Orion solar filter
- Finder: Mounted on top of a Atlas 10 is an Orion ShortTube 80 mm aperture rich-field refractor
(f/5 focal ratio, 400 mm focal length) which is used as a finder.
- Telescope Mount: Losmandy G-11 mount
Imaging Processing
- JASC Animation Shop 3.10 to convert AVI file to individual TIF files for each frame
- Adobe Photoshop Version 7.01 to unsharp mask, color adjust, resize, crop and convert to JPG
- Adobe ImageReady to create GIF

© 1998-2003 David Haworth