Sun Spots 649 August 11, 2004
Imaging Equipment
- Image taken at Oregon Star Party 2004, 11:21 am August 11, 2004
- Meade LPI camera
- Telescope: Orion Argonaut 150mm Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope,
f/12 focal ratio, 1800mm focal length
- Orion Telescopes & Binoculars full-aperture glass solar filter
- Losmandy G-11 telescope mount
Imaging Processing
- 240 images stacked out of 288 images saved
- Image quality selection was done automatically by Meade LPI software.
- Cor Berrevoets Registax Version beta, stacking and wavelett processed.
- JASC Inc. Paint Shop Pro Version 8.1, crop, unsharp mask and convert to JPG

© 1998-2004 David Haworth