Messier M101
Objects Information
- Field of view: about 46 arcminutes wide by 34 arcminutes high, north is top, west is right
- Faintest stars in above image: about 18 magnitude
- Messier M101 galaxy in the center magnitude: 8.31
- NGC5477 galaxy upper left corner, 14.36 magnitude
- SDSS J140521.25+543253.2 Galaxy in the top left corner, 17.6 magnitude
- 2MASX J14052197+5416113 Galaxy in the lower middle left side, 15.9 magnitude
- CGCG 272-018 Galaxy in the upper middle right side, 14.5 magnitude
- Source: NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database for details on these galaxies
Photo Information
- 85 x 60 sec. not guided
- Date of observation: May 1, 2006
- Time at end of first CCD image 23:28:42 PDT
- Time at end of last CCD image 1:21 PDT on May 2
- Observing Location: at home on the drive way
- M101 photo featured on Orion Telescopes and Binoculars
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© 1998-2006 David Haworth