Messier M13
Objects Information
- Field of view: about 42.4 arcminutes wide by 32.0 arcminutes high, north is left, west is top
- Faintest stars in above image: about 15.8 magnitude
- Messier M13/NGC6205 globular cluster in center, visual magnitude: 5.9
- NGC6207 Galaxy in the bottom left corner, 12.60 magnitude
- IC4617
Galaxy about half way between M13 and NGC6207, 15.90 magnitude
- Source: NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database for details on these galaxies
Comparsion with the
STScI Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) image which was taken with a 48-inch Oschin Schmidt telescope on Palomar Mountain.
Image was photographed on 14-inch square glass plate and then digitized (14,000 x 14,000 15-bit pixels/plate). The below TV-60 images are rotated to match DSS image with north at the top.
- First epoch magnitudes for faint stars in above TV-60 IC4617 images
- Star between green ticks is id 1267-0271490, RA 16:42:4.7793, DEC 36:42:50.76, blue 18.79 mag, red 17.44 mag
- Star between top-right red ticks is id 1267-0271470, RA 16:42:0.5353, DEC 36:42:43.43, blue 17.21 mag, red 15.99 mag
- Star between center-left red ticks is id 1266-0258120, RA 16:42:12.1067, DEC 36:41:5.35, blue 17.44 mag, red 16.59 mag
- Source: USNO Flagstaff Station Integrated Image and Catalogue Archive Service for details on faint stars to 21 magnitude
Photo Information
Imaging Equipment
Imaging Processing
- Diffraction Limited MaxIm DL Essentials Edition: dark Subtract, convert Raw to Color, make pixels square, combine, & color balance
- Diffraction Limited MaxIm DL V3.20: DDP & sharpening
- Adobe Photoshop Version CS2: levels, curves, sharpen, reduce color noise and save as JPG

© 1998-2006 David Haworth