Jupiter 2003/12/17
Jupiter Image Information
- Date: 2003.12.17 7:13 PST
- Average seeing with high clouds
- Images taken from driveway
Photo Information
- CAMERA: Philips PCVC740K ToUcam PRO web camera
- SHUTTER: 1/50sec
- GAIN: 5/53
- FPS: 10
- IMAGES: 1400 taken, 1024 stacked
- COLOR BALANCE: Outdoor, blue -1 click
- AVI File: 031216jupiter50g5r0b-1n24.avi
- FILTER: Sirius Optics Near Infrared blocking filter
Imaging Equipment
- Telescope: Orion Argonautâ„¢ 150mm Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope,
f/12 focal ratio, 1800mm focal length
- Telescope Mount: Orion EQ-3 mount with EQ-3M dual-axis DC motor drive on
Celestron vibration suppression pads
Imaging Processing
- Cor Berrevoets Registax Version beta, align, select, stack and process multiple images
- Adobe Potoshop Version CS, unsharp mask, crop and convert to JPG

Use Test patterns to calibrate monitor brightness, contrast, height and width

© 1998-2003 David Haworth