Astronomy Book Stores
- Willmann-Bell, Inc. astronomy book store
- Web site has very detailed descriptions of the books and pictures of book front covers. Also, Willmann-Bell sells astronomy software.
- Sky Publishing online astronomical book store
- Web site has descriptions of the books and pictures of book front covers.
- Cosmobrain online astronomical book store
- Offers discounts on some books and Web site has pictures of book front covers.
- Adirondack Video Astronomy
- An astromony vendor that sells astronomy books.
Web site has descriptions of the books and pictures of book front covers.

General Book Stores
- 4BookStores
- A good source if the above astronomy bookstores do not meet your needs.
- Bibliofind
- A good good source for used astronomy books.
- Web book store
- A large book seller Web site with a good astronomy book search capability.
- Powells a large Portland book store with online search
- A good source of used astronomy books and used astronomy books are listed on their Web site.
My best used astronomy book find at Powells is a used Millennium Star Atlas that I purchased.
- Local Libraries
- Check your local libraries for astronomy books and back issues of astronomy magazines.
Call your local library to see if you can connect to their catalog through the Internet.
Fort Vancouver (Vancouver, Washington) regional library catalog.

- Unaided Eye Observer's Books
- Beginner Observer's Books
- Advanced Observer's Books
- Astrophotography Books
- CCD Imaging Library
- Beginner Books
- Intermediate Books
- Advanced Books
- CCD Magazine Articles
© 1998-2007 David Haworth