Unaided Eye Beginner Observer's Books
The below astronomy information covers various aspects of unaided eye observing and is subdivided into:
Also check the unaided eye advanced observer's books.
Beginner Observer's Books

To find these books first check your local library, then your astronomy club's book library,
next try used book stores and then as a last resort check new book stores.
Some of the books may be out of print and may not be available at new book stores.
365 Starry Nights by Chet Raymo
- Nake eye star charts: A alot of constellation star charts.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: None.
- An introduction to astronomy for every night of the year.
- Pages: 225
A Walk Through the Heavens by Milton Heifetz & Wil Tirion
- Nake eye star charts: Many constellation star charts.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: A star chart for each of the four seasons.
- A guide to stars and constellations and their legends.
- Pages: 72
Atlas of the Night Sky by Storm Dunlop & Tirion
- Nake eye star charts: Complete set of all 88 constellation star charts.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: None.
- Also contains "The Bright Star Atlas 2000.0" by Wil Tirion.
- Pages: 80
Discover the Stars by Richard Berry
- Nake eye star charts: Many constellation star charts.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: 12 monthly circle star charts.
- Pages: 119
Edmund MAG 5 Star Atlas by Edmund Scientific Co.
- Nake eye star charts: Six northern sky maps down to 60 degrees latitude.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: None.
- Pages: 35
Men Monsters and the Modern Universe by George Lovi and Wil Tirion
- Nake eye star charts: Contains "The Bright Star Atlas 2000.0" by Wil Tirion.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: No circle star charts, but seasonal square star charts.
- Contains "The Bright Star Atlas 2000.0" by Wil Tirion.
- Pages: About 90 pages
Naked-Eye Astronomy by Patrick Moore
- Nake eye star charts: A few constellation star charts.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: 12 monthly star charts that are cut in half circles.
- Pages: 253
National Audubon Society Field Guide to the Night Sky by National Audubon Society
- Nake eye star charts: Complete set of all 88 constellation star charts.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: 12 monthly circle star charts divided into four views.
- Include photographs of all 88 constellations.
- Pages: 714
NightWatch by Terence Dickinson
- Nake eye star charts: Several constellation star charts.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: A star chart for each of the four seasons.
- Pages: 160
Secrets of the Night Sky by Bob Berman
- Nake eye star charts: A few constellation star charts.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: None.
- The most amazing things you can see with the unaided eye.
- Pages: 320
Sky Atlas for Small Telescopes and Binoculars by David Chandler & Billie Chandler
- Nake eye star charts: Eight star maps of all the sky, only major constellations are identified
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: None.
- A good book to use with "David Chandler's The Night Sky 2-Sided Planisphere".
The book, planisphere and another small book called Exploring the Night Sky with Binoculars
by David Chandler are part of a First Light Astronomy Kit by David Chandler Company.
- Pages: About 22 pages
Sky Guide by Chartrand/Wimmer
- Nake eye star charts: Complete set of all 88 constellation star charts.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: Several star charts for each of the four seasons.
- A field guide for amateur astronomers.
- Pages: 280
Skywatching by David H. Levy
- Nake eye star charts: Complete set of all 88 constellation star charts.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: 12 monthly circle star charts.
- A Nature Company Guide.
- Pages: 288
Stars & Planets by Inan Ridpath & Wil Tirion
- Nake eye star charts: Complete set of all 88 constellation star charts.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: 12 monthly circle star charts.
- A Collins Pocket Guide.
- Pages: 384
Summer Stargazing by Terence Dickinson
- Nake eye star charts: Summer constellation star charts drawn on photographs.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: Spring, Summer and Fall circle star charts.
- Pages: 64
The Beginner's Observing Guide by Leo Enright
- Nake eye star charts: None.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: Six circle star charts, one for each two months.
- Covers unaided eye objects, binoculars objects and small telescope objects.
- Pages: 163
The Monthly Sky Guide by Ian Ridpath & Wil Tition
- Nake eye star charts: Several constellation star charts.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: 12 monthly circle star charts.
- Pages: 64
The Sky Tonight by Samuel Rhoads
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: 48 sky unaided eye circle star charts,
- A guided tour to the stars over Hawai'i.
- Pages: About 50 pages
The Stargazer's Guide to the Galaxy by Q.L. Pearce
- Nake eye star charts: Several constellation star charts.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: A star chart for each of the four seasons.
- Pages: 64
The Stars A New Way to See Them by H.A. Ray
- Nake eye star charts: Many constellation star charts.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: Many star charts for different latitudes.
- A new graphic way to connect lines between the stars.
- Pages: 160
The Summer Stargazer Astronomy for Beginners by Robert Claiborne
- Nake eye star charts: A few constellation star charts.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: A star chart for June, July, August and September.
- Pages: 221

Beginner Observer's Yearly Guides

Astronomical Calendar by Guy Ottewell
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: 12 monthly circle star charts.
- Includes monthly planet location charts.
- This it one of the best unaided eye observing monthly astronomical calendars that is available.
Astronomy's Explore the Universe
- From Astronomy magazine which is on sale at the magazine stores from November through December.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: 12 monthly circle star charts.
- Includes monthly planet location charts.
Sky & Telescope SkyWatch
- From Sky & Telescope magazine which is on sale at the magazine stores from November through December.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: 12 monthly circle star charts.
- Includes monthly planet location charts.
- Nice articles on "Starting Out in Astronomy the Right Way" and other good observing type of articles.
- A very good low cost yearly guide.

Beginner Observer's Video Tapes

Guide to Backyard Astronomy with Tom Gates
- A 40 minute video
- Covers Using binoculars and star charts; locating star clusters and Andromeda galaxy;
identifying constellations, lunar regions and planets.
- Rescent Productions, 684 S.Garland Terr., Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Jack Horkhelmer's Star Hustler Video Almanac
- There are 16 Star Hustler episodes (five-minutes each) on this tape, one for each of
the four seasons and twelve months of the year.
Jack Horkhelmer's Star Hustler Tales of the Night Sky
- A video anthology of cosmic short stories base on five-minute Star Hustler episodes.
Jack Horkhelmer's Star Hustler Space Oddities
- A video collection of odd aspects of the cosmos base on five-minute Star Hustler episodes.

Beginner Observer's Cassette Tapes

The Astronomical Society of the Pacific's audio Tapes of the Night Sky
- Two cassette tapes, each side provides a guided tour of the bright stars and constellations.
- Includes script of tapes and star maps for each season.
- Very nice way to learn star and constellations pronunciations.

Astronomy Book Stores
© 1998-2003 David Haworth