Unaided Eye Advanced Observer's Books
The below astronomy books covers various aspects of advanced unaided eye observing.
Also check the unaided eye beginner observer's books.
Advanced Observer's Books

To find these books first check your local library, then your astronomy club's book library,
next try used book stores and then as a last resort check new book stores.
Some of the books may be out of print and may not be available at new book stores.
Astromers' Stars by Patrick Moore
- Nake eye star charts: Few.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: None.
- 16 chapters, each on a star.
- Pages: 164
Astronomy for All Ages by Philip Harrington & Edward Pascuzzi
- Nake eye star charts: None.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: A star chart for each of the four seasons.
- 32 page unaided eye section and 51 projects that range from unaided eye observing to telescope observing.
- Pages: 208
Brilliant Stars by Patrick Moore
- Nake eye star charts: A few constellation star charts.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: None
- Good book on the all (21) of the first magnitude stars.
- Pages: 189
Greenwich's National Maritime Museum Make-it-yourself Astrolabe
- Build a Astrolabe cut-out. Astrolabe is a combination observing and calculating instrument to solve astronomy problems.
- Also obtain the National Maritime Museum The Planispheric Astrolabe to learn how to use it.
- Pages: 7
Greenwich's National Maritime Museum Nocturnal
- Build a Nocturnal cut-out. Nocturnal is an instrument for finding the time of night by the stars.
- Pages: 4
Greenwich's National Maritime Museum The Planispheric Astrolabe
- Learn about Astrolabes. Astrolabe is a combination observing and calculating instrument to solve astronomy problems.
- Pages: 56
Norton's 2000.0 Star Atlas and Reference Handbook by Ian Ridpath
- Nake eye star charts: Complete sky on 16 charts,
part of the charts at where the page is attached to the book's back cannot be read.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: None.
- Pages: 179
Seeing the Sky by Fred Schaaf
- Nake eye star charts: None.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: None.
- 100 projects, activities & explorations in astronomy.
- Pages: 212
Star Names Their Lore & Meaning by Richard Hinckley Allen
- Nake eye star charts: None.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: None.
- The stars in all 88 constellations are covered.
- Pages: 563
Sundials & Timedials by Gerald Jenkins & Magdalen Bear
- A collect of working models to cut-out and glue together.
- Pages: 15
The Friendly Stars by Martha Martin & Donald Howard
- Nake eye star charts: A few constellation star charts.
- Complete sky unaided eye circle star charts: None.
- Focuses on several bright stars.
- Pages: 147
The Moon Book by Kim Long
- The meaning of the methodical Moon movements and other interesting Moon facts.
- Pages: 128

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